Štítek: ""

Blois: two cyclists overturned in 24 hours

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 7. 7. 2021 | přečteno: 744× | komentáře: 0
The police are calling for vigilance after two accidents involving cyclists that occurred earlier this week in Blois. číst dál

Tips on how to get to school safely

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 18. 6. 2021 | přečteno: 778× | komentáře: 0
The summer holidays will end in the middle of next week. With the start of school, there is not only a lot of new things for first graders, but also for everyone who is switching from elementary school to secondary school. The Bielefeld police and the Bielefeld traffic watch give tips on how to get to school safely. The WESTFALEN-BLATT has summarized the most important questions and answers. číst dál

Reflective stickers on motorcycle helmets

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 8. 6. 2021 | přečteno: 726× | komentáře: 0
Obligatory? What sanctions? How to put them? číst dál

Get to know your country

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 3. 6. 2021 | přečteno: 711× | komentáře: 0
Mazury - the land of a thousand lakes, stork houses or magnificent churches, bright red brick town halls, colorful cities, dreamy villages, crystal clear lakes. Masuria has many names and is probably one of the most popular places in Poland. The region has a lot to offer for lovers of sightseeing and historical secrets. Let's go and take our pictures and discover one of the last almost natural regions in Europe. Let us immerse ourselves in the pristine landscape and relax during our bicycle tours or a boat trip on one of the picturesque lakes. číst dál

Helmets were handed out for delivery workers

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 1. 6. 2021 | přečteno: 802× | komentáře: 0
The National Road Safety Agency, together with the Government of the Province of La Rioja, relaunched the "Federal Program for the Delivery of Helmets and Reflective Equipment". číst dál

Retirees from Kluczbork have started another cycling season

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 28. 5. 2021 | přečteno: 799× | komentáře: 0
Retirees from Kluczbork organized the official inauguration of the cycling season. 30 cyclists took part in the first rally in 2021. They all wore reflective vests to keep them visible and safe on the road. číst dál

Electric scooters: users know (very) little about their obligations

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 25. 5. 2021 | přečteno: 802× | komentáře: 0
Electric scooters and other "motorized personal transport vehicles" (EDPM, that is to say, electric skateboards, gyropods, hoverboards, etc.) are increasingly numerous in urban areas. číst dál

Equipment for your car: is it worth buying in action or not?

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 21. 5. 2021 | přečteno: 818× | komentáře: 0
Surely you know that when you buy a car, you have not quite won yet. To drive safely and be prepared for any problems you may encounter, you also need a few other things, whether in the car itself or home in the garage. What accessories are they and how much will they cost you? číst dál

City backpack with integrated piggyback stretcher

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 19. 5. 2021 | přečteno: 804× | komentáře: 0
Homb is a combination of a bag and a carrying system that is intended to make everyday life for young families much more flexible in the future. Without a buggy or stroller, parents can stow everything they need with them and still have Plan B literally "in their pockets" if the little ones run out of breath or have to go faster in between. číst dál

What bicycle trailer? Model overview

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 17. 5. 2021 | přečteno: 754× | komentáře: 0
A weekend bike trip is a great way to spend free time for every avid cyclist! Ideally, we can just get on the bike and set off. However, this is not always possible. Very often we have to take extra luggage or additional passengers with us. However, it is not worth giving up the possibility of active recreation only for such reasons. You have to put on a suitable bicycle trailer, thanks to which a small child (or even two!), Four-legged or more luggage can accompany us on a bicycle trip. What bicycle trailer to buy? It all depends on what the purpose of such a bicycle trailer is for. číst dál

Horse Riding. Do you need your equipment to get started?

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 6. 5. 2021 | přečteno: 831× | komentáře: 0
Horseback riding is still gaining popularity. No wonder, because it is not only a way to be physically active in the bosom of nature but also the opportunity to interact with dignified, wonderful animals, such as horses. You can start learning to drive at any age. Before we go to the first lesson, do we have to visit the equestrian shop to be equipped from head to toe with clothes and accessories? číst dál

Essential equipment to have

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 13. 4. 2021 | přečteno: 739× | komentáře: 0
No fines, but for advice and reminders of the law. The gendarmes of the brigade of Moult-Chicheboville , east of Caen (Calvados), went to meet the young college Jean Castel in Argences , Friday, March 12, 2021. The opportunity to interact with them on the security road and essential equipment for cycling on the road. The Agencies police were also involved in this awareness-raising operation. číst dál


Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 8. 4. 2021 | přečteno: 792× | komentáře: 0
At the start of school, more than 2,500 safety vests were distributed to the first graders of the 54 primary schools in the city and district of Rosenheim by the Rosenheim traffic watch and the AOK in Rosenheim. When the reflective safety throws were handed over to headmistress Siglinde Böhnel from the Pang elementary school, Rosenheim's 2nd mayor Daniel Artmann thanked AOK Rosenheim and Verkehrswacht Rosenheim for their support: "In the dark and at dusk, the risk of accidents increases. With a safety vest, it can be reduced considerably for our smallest road users." číst dál

Cycling in winter: the 5 best tips

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 6. 4. 2021 | přečteno: 831× | komentáře: 0
Cycling in winter is just as environmentally friendly as in summer. With the right clothes, you will arrive warm and dry. These 5 tips and tricks will help you to ride your bike safely even when it's slippery. číst dál

In Lviv, patrolmen staged action and handed out reflective vests to pedestrians and drivers

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 29. 3. 2021 | přečteno: 788× | komentáře: 0
In Lviv, patrol officers handed out reflective vests to pedestrians and drivers. Such an action was staged on the Kiev-Chop highway - on the site where accidents most often occur. číst dál