Období: leden 2015

Wear high visibility clothing to enhance road safety

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 28. 1. 2015 | přečteno: 898× | komentáře: 0
Sensibilitation, is a protection of vulnerable users, the fight against crime and improvement of infrastructure, an action plan in response to the increase in mortality in 2014, and to raise the awareness of wear high visibility clothing and any other clothing with reflective tapes. číst dál

GPS dog and cat with reflective vest

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 14. 1. 2015 | přečteno: 1159× | komentáře: 0
No more long hours of anguish to seek their dog or cat runaway everywhere: in a few months, our companions can be followed to the trace, or rather, the GPS signal, and better to wear a reflective dog vest to increase visibility at night. číst dál