Období: srpen 2017

The councilors have left the reflective tapes

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 31. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 408× | komentáře: 0
The town hall allowed making reflective tapes for 7.5 thousand crowns. It is free to give children and retirees to increase their safety when they go down the road in the dark or in the fog. číst dál

From now on you have to have reflective elements

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 29. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 413× | komentáře: 0
If you are going for a walk on a weekend, do not forget to pack a reflective vest or at least a tape. Since then, an amendment to the Road Act has begun, which introduces some novelties. číst dál

The police are still distributing reflective tapes

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 28. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 454× | komentáře: 0
Two-and-a-half thousand crowns can be expensive for the evening walkers on the road from Saturday. If they are not retrofitted outside the village, they risk a fine. The amendment to the law seeks to reduce the number of people with cars. číst dál

A few tips to move in the dark

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 25. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 412× | komentáře: 0
Running in the dark has its spell, but it also brings traps. We cannot count so much on our sight, and we become "invisible" to others. Sometimes the reflective vest can give runners some protection. Parks are depopulated and the earlier twilight brings in addition to an unpleasant feeling a real threat of assault. However, it is enough to stick to a few principles to eliminate the risks of the run. číst dál

Policemen focused on cyclists with light and reflectors

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 23. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 510× | komentáře: 0
About the Required bicycle equipment - mainly light and reflectors, or reflective elements. All this was monitored by police officers who worked on the roads in cooperation. The reason is still high numbers of pedestrians or cyclists who are dying on Czech roads. číst dál

The fireman invented a bag with reflective tape

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 22. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 418× | komentáře: 0
The fire brigade in the Labem region is newly equipped with a special bag in which color reflective tapes are placed to mark injuries in case of mass accidents. Vendor firefighter Yaroslavl invented it; a specialized company participated in the development of the tapes. číst dál

Pedestrians must reflect the light

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 21. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 461× | komentáře: 0
Since Saturday, the changes introduced by the amendment to the Road Traffic Act have begun to apply on the roads. Relatively significant are pedestrians and, in the current weather, also drivers who park their cars in the open air. Here are some of the most important changes. číst dál

Police officers spent the morning at Hus Square

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 17. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 407× | komentáře: 0
The center of Hus Square belonged to policemen yesterday morning. číst dál

Hockey players board in reflective dresses

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 16. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 494× | komentáře: 0
On Friday, the Prague Tip sport Arena will turn yellow. Hockey Sparta has been playing for an extra-league match for the sixth time Sparta gives tribute to members of the Integrated Rescue System - soldiers, rescuers, police officers and firefighters. For Friday's match against Karlovy Vary (18:30) they will have free entry and the players will get special jerseys made by reflective fabric. číst dál

The responsibility of pedestrians to wear reflective vest

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 15. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 459× | komentáře: 0
The year 2016 will probably bring several innovations in road law. In addition to the already known increase in speed allowance, on some sections of the 1st class road sections, the Department of Direction passed the third reading in the Chamber of Deputies another amendment, which, for example, regulates the pedestrian duties and extends the powers of the police. číst dál

Pedestrian protected by mandatory reflective elements

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 14. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 380× | komentáře: 0
A serious traffic accident happened on Tuesday evening in the center. A passenger car smashed two young pedestrians without safety vest - a man and a woman - on Masaryk Square at the crossing. Both of them ended up with moderate injuries in the hospital. číst dál

Don’t forget the reflective elements in cycling season

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 10. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 387× | komentáře: 0
Police officers in the South Moravian region draw attention to the beginning of the cycling season and encourage cyclists and drivers to take extra caution. "Cyclists should use a helmet that can save lives in an accident," Becalm police spokesman Kamala told CTK today. With reduced visibility, it is necessary to use reflective elements to see the cyclist, added Hedonic police spokesman Petri. číst dál

I walked about 80 kilometers in less than four hours

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 3. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 400× | komentáře: 0
Massage alpine calves, dress cycling, equip with water, safety vest, some sweet or salty doping and prepare mentally and physically for four hours in the saddle of the bicycle. It is Saturday morning, and dozens of cyclists who have signed up for a hobby ride from the slave square, Slovakia, are part of the race of professional bikers for representation. číst dál

Laptop backpacks are fashionable with reflective print colors

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 1. 8. 2017 | přečteno: 425× | komentáře: 0
The domination of dull black notebook bags seems to have come to an end. More and more laptop users prefer to take a colorful backpack with reflective fabric. They know about it in the Topminnow Company, where they have been focusing on this kind of goods for the third year now. číst dál