Policemen focused on cyclists with light and reflectors

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 23. 8. 2017 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 519×

About the Required bicycle equipment - mainly light and reflectors, or reflective elements. All this was monitored by police officers who worked on the roads in cooperation. The reason is still high numbers of pedestrians or cyclists who are dying on Czech roads.

"With the dwindling daylight, such preventive actions will be more frequent," said Martin, editor of Czech Television. The police officers set off on their journeys in the early hours of the morning, when they did not yet. On the outskirts, they were interested in how pedestrians or cyclists are on their way along the busy road to work.

"We stopped and checked two dozen cyclists, and besides one we had all the equipment in order. They had front and rear lights as well as reflectors in spikes, "police spokesman Pavli said.

They are also interested in pedestrians who have to wear a reflective tape for better visibility. Contribute to greater recognition of pedestrians and cyclists by BESIP. "We give reflection accessories to pedestrians and cyclists," Olomouc coordinator told BESIP.

Similar checks are planned by police officers for other days in other locations in the Olomouc Region. According to experts, it makes sense - most of the fatal accidents to cyclists or pedestrians happen just in the morning or in the evening.

Last year 4226 traffic accidents were reported in the Czech Republic, during which 68 cyclists were killed and 394 were seriously injured and 3138 were slightly injured. Cyclists caused 783 accidents and almost a third of them were under the influence of alcohol, according to the Interior Ministry.

That is why the ministry, in co-operation with BESIP, is rejecting a Senate proposal that required cyclists on local roads not to be fined for driving under the mild influence of alcohol. The government will not support such a proposal as expected in Parliament. If in this case, they will cause the accidents even with the safety vest.

The abolition of zero tolerance for alcohol under wheelchairs was rejected by the Ministry of Transport because "an alcohol-based cyclist is not only dangerous to himself, but also a great danger to other road users." The Ministry of the Interior has also rejected the proposed reduction in the fine for cycling under the influence of alcohol from the current 2500 to 20,000 crowns to a maximum of 500 crowns.

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