Období: duben 2021

Essential equipment to have

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 13. 4. 2021 | přečteno: 739× | komentáře: 0
No fines, but for advice and reminders of the law. The gendarmes of the brigade of Moult-Chicheboville , east of Caen (Calvados), went to meet the young college Jean Castel in Argences , Friday, March 12, 2021. The opportunity to interact with them on the security road and essential equipment for cycling on the road. The Agencies police were also involved in this awareness-raising operation. číst dál


Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 8. 4. 2021 | přečteno: 792× | komentáře: 0
At the start of school, more than 2,500 safety vests were distributed to the first graders of the 54 primary schools in the city and district of Rosenheim by the Rosenheim traffic watch and the AOK in Rosenheim. When the reflective safety throws were handed over to headmistress Siglinde Böhnel from the Pang elementary school, Rosenheim's 2nd mayor Daniel Artmann thanked AOK Rosenheim and Verkehrswacht Rosenheim for their support: "In the dark and at dusk, the risk of accidents increases. With a safety vest, it can be reduced considerably for our smallest road users." číst dál

Cycling in winter: the 5 best tips

Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») | 6. 4. 2021 | přečteno: 831× | komentáře: 0
Cycling in winter is just as environmentally friendly as in summer. With the right clothes, you will arrive warm and dry. These 5 tips and tricks will help you to ride your bike safely even when it's slippery. číst dál