The fireman invented a bag with reflective tape

Napsal (») 22. 8. 2017 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 419×

The fire brigade in the Labem region is newly equipped with a special bag in which color reflective tapes are placed to mark injuries in case of mass accidents. Vendor firefighter Yaroslavl invented it; a specialized company participated in the development of the tapes.

"There is nothing new in the color marking of wounded people in mass casualties, but we still have tapes in the form of electricians or those used for example at concerts. They were one-off and their deployment was lengthy. The new ones are easy to use, just wound up to a suitable place, and they are not one-off, "Jocko says.

Colored labeling of injured people serves health professionals. Depending on the type of tapes, they know who the injured are doing first and foremost.

"There is a trained medical officer in each unit who will recognize the degree of injury involved. Accordingly, the wound band attaches the appropriate color. Red, for example, gives health workers a sign that one has the most serious injuries and has to deal with it preferentially, "says the fireman wear safety clothing by FR reflective fabric.

Hockey’s great advantage is that taping is very fast, and thanks to the special pen that is part of the bag, the fire bands can describe it in any weather, even under water. In addition to injuries to her, they may note, for example, that the injured person is ill, allergic, and the like.

All the firemen are in the county

The bags already have all the fire brigade stations in the Labem Region. "So far, however, according to my information, I did not use it because there was no mass accident," Lukas, a North Bohemian firefighter, added.

Marking of injured people in mass misfortunes is mandatory for law enforcement officers, but also for medical professionals. Spokesperson of the Rescue Service of the Labem region, Procom, said that health workers have their own bags with reflective strips that are different from those of the fire brigades.

"The color classification of the injured is of course the same. We use tapes that are being sold at concerts. Our cans have, in addition to fire brigade, identification cards that are wounded by doctors recording injuries, "Olenek said.

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