Wear high visibility clothing to enhance road safety

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 28. 1. 2015 v kategorii high visibility clothing, přečteno: 889×

Sensibilitation, is a protection of vulnerable users, the fight against crime and improvement of infrastructure, an action plan in response to the increase in mortality in 2014, and to raise the awareness of wear high visibility clothing and any other clothing with reflective tapes.

26 safety measures are expected, 2014 is a step backwards in the development of road safety. Indeed, preliminary data released by the National Interministerial Observatory for Road Safety (ONISR) reported a 3.7% increase on the roads death and an increase in the number of injuries by 2.5%.

Given this situation, the Minister of the Interior Bernard Cazeneuve had indicated that he would take a series of measures to try to decrease again this accident rate and maintain the course of less than 2,000 fatalities in 2020. The Minister and has unveiled a plan of action with no fewer than 26 measures structured around prevention education, vulnerable road users, the fight against serious crime as well as improving vehicle safety and infrastructure, including advocating road user to wear reflective safety vest.

First of all, the Minister hoped that the causes of accidents census method be reviewed to improve the analysis of them. Indeed, until now it is nearly 40% of the causes of fatal accidents that do not fit in any statistical category, the police with only a choice of 5 categories. This choice has been extended to 14 categories.

Regarding the 26 measures presented on Monday, there should be more awareness and prevention in the coming months. The fight against the most serious offenses (defects insurance, drugs, and phones while driving ...) will also be intensified as vulnerable users will be the center of attention.

Obviously, the bikers will not be surprised to learn that they have also been the subject of some attention. Note well the return of compulsory fluorescent hi vis jacket in case of emergency stop (such as automobiles) and "standardization of the size and format of registration plates" to "facilitate checks." It will certainly not otherwise acknowledge the extent No. 15 on the rails of securities.

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