What should bikers do for their safety

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 8. 9. 2017 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 434×

In 2016, historically the least motorcyclists without safety vest have died, more than half of them being foreign guilty. What should bikers do for their safety? Do bikers have to be the most endangered species on the road? Dangers associated with the start of the riding season

Last year, 60 motorcyclists died in accidents. This is the least since the establishment of the independent Czech Republic. In addition, compared to 2015, there was a rapid fall in the number of victims, one third. Heavy injuries were 463 riders on one track - even the best result since 1993.

Traditionally, motorcyclists are considered the main culprits of fatal accidents. This is confirmed by the statistics for 2016, when 29 drivers were killed in one foot, while 31 of them were killed by a foreign guilt. Regardless of the degree of fault, it is a biker, who, if any, will pay for his life. "The statistical data published by the OECD show that the probability of death in an accident is 24 times higher for motorcyclists than for passengers in a passenger car," says Roman Bosky of the Road Safety Team.

If a biker is to blame, most of the time is a disproportionate speed. Last year, she killed 22 times. Long distances follow the wrong way of driving (4 dead) and incorrect overtaking (3 motorcycle casualties).

Automobiles are most likely to hurt bikers because they do not see or misinterpret their speed or distance. It is mainly about

  Not giving priority to the junction when the motorcycle arrives at the main,

  Denying the advantage at a junction where a left-hand car does not favor an opposing biker,

  Overtaking of a ride-on motorcycle over-riding or overtaking,

  Overturning the rear of the motorcycle when turning,

  Not registering an off-road motorcycle when overtaking or skipping.

Motorcyclists are really at risk in road traffic. In fact, they are the most endangered group of road users. "Compared to bus passengers, the probability of their death in the accident is 272 times higher. Compared to passenger cars, 24 times more motorcyclists die, 2.4 times more compared to cyclists and double the number of pedestrians, "says Roman Bosky.

Motorcyclists will pay off for the mistakes of others

  Defensive driving style should be alpha and omega for them. In their interest, they should closely monitor other road users and count on their possible misconduct or risky maneuver.

  Driving speeds should be such that they are able to slow down or even stop in case of danger. The braking distance of the motorcycle is longer than that of a passenger car.

  They must ride on the road so that they are sufficiently visible to others. They should definitely be aware that in certain situations car drivers could easily overlook them in the rearview mirror.

  They should choose the colorful colors of their clothing and helmets, and their visibility will help them to see a reflective vest or at least a suitably placed and sufficiently large reflective supplement.

  The motorcycle needs to be used in high-quality biker wear, not to buy good quality gloves and boots. Nevertheless, last year, three riders died in a single trail without a helmet, another 17 were injured heavily and 72 lightly.

In any case, motorcyclists should remember their possible mistakes. "Motorcyclists have to be very careful after a few months of winter riding. It takes a while for them to get into the proper equestrian condition. He travels sometimes on cold roads, melting snow sometimes, and somewhere deep in the shade, roads can be frozen. Every year, car drivers take time to get used to motorcycles after winter and begin to see them realistically. Drivers may also experience spring fatigue, "concluded Vladimir, the project manager of Learning to Survive.

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