We tell you how to safely ride a bike around the city

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 3. 6. 2019 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 341×
reflective clothing,reflective materials,safety vests

Early in the morning of May 28, a 9-year-old cyclist died under the wheels of an SUV. Crossing the roadway at the crosswalk, the boy did not dismount. The SUV that was turning from October Avenue onto Bessonov Street did not have time to brake and hit the child. We decided to remind you of the safety rules that you should follow when moving around the city by bicycle, and prepared these cards.

Where to begin?

Helmet. Despite the fact that the traffic rules do not regulate the list of necessary uniforms, experts recommend wearing a helmet always. Of course, an adult makes decisions himself, but the child needs a helmet. Get serious injuries can not only in a collision with the machine. Sometimes it is enough and unsuccessful fall. And in this case, the helmet will protect one of the most vulnerable parts of the body - the head. Studies show that traffic safety in the city is not in helmets with knee pads, but in reducing the speed of city traffic and the development of bicycle infrastructure. Despite this, we recommend not moving without a helmet yourself and, of course, not allowing a child to move without a helmet.

Anything else you need to wear?

First of all, assess your level of ability to move around on a bicycle. Your equipment depends on it. If you move uncertainly, then, in addition to the helmet, get at least bicycle gloves. In the event of a fall, you will save your hands from abrasions. If necessary, wear elbow pads and knee pads. Never forget that safety is paramount!

Does light reflective clothing help?

Of course! Driving in the dark, especially at dusk, you need to be as noticeable as possible to the driver. This does not mean that it is necessary to dress up in the clothes of poisonous light-green color or be covered with light-reflecting paint from head to foot. To do this, there are reflective materials that are mounted on a bicycle or attached to clothing. In addition, there are special yellow safety vests, bicycle lights and flashing lights on sale. Your task, in this case, is to become as visible and predictable as possible for other road users.

Sat down - let's go. And where can I go?

According to the rules of the road, a cyclist must ride on a bike path or cycle track. If they are not, then you need to move on the roadway in the far right lane. And do not forget: if on the roadway there is a dedicated lane for public transport, then go on it. This is a strip for you too. In this case, it is better to go at a distance of no more than a meter from the edge of the road. You also need to pay attention to the parked cars, so as not to crash into the suddenly opened door.

Once again, your task is to be predictable and visible to the driver.

And if the road is scary to move? Is it really impossible to drive on the sidewalk?

The question is complicated. Firstly, if you are riding a bicycle with a child or accompanying a minor, then you cannot go to the roadway. In this case, the pavement - no alternative. Secondly, road safety experts recommend that you follow the rules described in the previous card (move along the bike path, bike track or roadway).

Given the safety of transport in Ufa, we cannot recommend you to move strictly along the bike paths or the roadway. Especially if you are just starting to learn to ride a bike and feel insecure.

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