Rail safety: NRW tests body cameras in local traffic

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 21. 11. 2017 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 403×

Michaela P. holds great pieces on her new companion. It is no bigger than a mobile phone, can be activated by the touch of a button and gives you a good feeling even in stand-by mode. The 28-year-old in safety vest has been working as a DB security force in Cologne's main railway station, suburban trains and regional trains for seven years. If she brought any plague and insult to the announcement, "I would not be able to do my work. This has become worse and worse in the last few years. "She has become a thick coat now.

The body camera she has been wearing since Thursday will make her work easier. "I'm quite sure. The possibility to record a happening has a deterrent effect on potential offenders. "On her yellow safety jacket, therefore, a new lettering with the keyword" video "is emblazoned. 20 of these cameras, which cost 600 Euros per piece, have bought the train and will test them as in Berlin now until the end of March in Cologne. "This will be very helpful especially at major events and in the carnival," says Michaela P.

Positive experiences at Cologne main station

The federal police in Cologne's main station have been experimentally equipped with cameras for a year - a reaction to the attacks. "We have consistently gained positive experience," says police director Helmut. "About 100 times were recorded with the body cameras records, resulting from three criminal proceedings." The cameras are suitable "to counteract the increasing violence and disrespect". It is only recorded in case of emergency. "This is a three-step process," says Michaela P. "Normally, the camera is in standby and the screen is black." In tricky situations, she presses the monitor on at the touch of a button. "Before I activate the recording, I have to inform the person concerned." The data are stored and encrypted to the federal police. "We have no access to it."

In the first half of 2016, more than 1100 employees of the railways were attacked nationwide, one third more than in the same period of 2015. In NRW, more than 700 DB security forces are deployed. In 2017, Deutsche Bah will spend some 160 million Euros on security nationwide. The video surveillance in Cologne main station was modernized last year. In NRW about 300 railway stations are equipped with around 1900 cameras. NRW Transport Minister Michael Grouches assumes that the pilot project will be extended. "We want customers and staff to be safer on buses and trains."

The train wants to evaluate the test in the spring. However, the trend is clear for DB security Chief Hilmar Richie. The six-month test in Berlin showed that the number of attacks was declining. "The cameras de-escalate in conflict." By 2020, the local transport network wants to equip some 90 percent of all local trains with video recording technology. This is already the case with the S-Ban trains and diesel trains in the Rhineland. How many security staff of the railway in reflective vest is endowed with body cameras is open.

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