Also, German motorists must have since July a safety vest in the vehicle. Those who cannot show a vest during a check are threatened with a fine - up to 600 Euros in other European countries.
The English have demonstrated in a remarkable way, how important it is tantamount to stand out in the traffic: On the island, many a chicken wears a safety vest. Too often in many rural areas, free-roaming poultry has been killed by roaring cars, so the Oxford shire Omelets manufacturer came up with the idea of making neon-colored vests for chickens. Whether the mortality rate of poultry has dropped, remains open, the West still sell well - most likely because of their side effect: the West hold according to British poultry farmers, the chickens so warm that they lay more eggs than animals that do not wear reflective safety vest.
In the species of motorists, the safety vest remains an unloved accessory: The German Insurance Association (GDV) has found in a previous survey. One can assume that little has altered in this attitude. Why the Federal Government enforces on July 1, which has long been commonplace in other EU countries: the obligation that in the future every motorist must carry a safety vest with him. Otherwise, a fine of 15 Euros threatens. Motorcyclists are exempt from the rule. The penalties are still mild compared to other EU countries: In Portugal, violations of the obligation to the west pay up to 600.
In addition, there is the duty in Germany to carry the vast, a duty of duty in an emergency does not exist. However, it is advised by the ADAC.
Depending on GDV, the number of accidents involving pedestrians or stopping vehicles has declined by 39 percent in Austria in the first three years of warning vesting, and by 53 percent in the number of accidents involving pedestrians or stopping vehicles, according to GDV. Expert organization Dakar and the automobile club ADAC also do not tire of emphasizing the importance of the safety vest: without it, Motorists only perceive pedestrians from a distance of up to 80 meters. Then it may be already too late to break in an accident or breakdown.
"Anyone who steps out of the vehicle in an emergency is much more visible with the safety vest," says Dakar board member Clemens Klink. The life-saving piece of fabric fits folded into each glove box. Prescribed is West, which corresponds to the European standard of 471. That is, it may be yellow, orange or red-orange and must be provided with two reflective stripes. When you buy in petrol stations or on the Internet in the view on the label: The DIN standard is on the sewn laundry sign.
One shortcoming remains: Trendy value, the baggy safety vests certainly not. After all: The Dresden fashion label Neon on already designs chic safety vests for people and dogs.