Kostroma third-graders were shown what to do in dangerous situations

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 19. 1. 2020 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 808×
safety vest

The role of teachers was made by the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, inspectors of gims and gas specialists. They told the children what smells of gas, how to put on a life jacket and where to run in case of fire. Under the guidance of specialists, the students rendered first aid to the Gaucher dummy, which, according to legend, was poisoned with gas - it was carried out into the fresh air and given to drink water. Then the guys eliminated the conditional fire, repeating the rules for using a fire extinguisher. They also learned by heart the emergency number 112 and the rules of conduct in an emergency.

Nikita Balykin, a student of the 3rd grade: "If it's just without a vest, then a person can drown and suffocate, and therefore can't even get out ... A safety vest will help him, and he will be able to stay afloat."

Zakhar Danilov, a student of grade 3: "If you feel that something has already been set on fire, you should better pour water first, then put out ... And if the microwave, for example, something was set on fire, it is better to first unplug it, and then not it's necessary to fill it with water, because it, on the contrary, will explode."

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