88% of cyclists acknowledge having previously committed a bike offense

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 25. 11. 2014 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 1068×

Risk-taking results in a lack of respect for the rules of the road. Thus, 88% admit to having previously committed a bike offense, and don’t wear reflective safety vest and helmet on the road. "There is a real sense of impunity," says Stéphane Daeschner responsible for prevention in MMA. "I see two explanations. On the one hand, by bike, the principle is not to stop to maintain its pace. On the other hand the controls over cyclists are almost nonexistent, "adds Emmanuel Renard, Director of Education of the Road Safety Association. 44% of respondents also feel that they do not risk a fine when riding a bike.

44% of cyclists acknowledge having had an accident

But to ignore the rules of prudence is not always without consequence. "The numbers of the evolution of the accident are alarming," says Stéphane Daeschner. If mortality cyclists remained relatively stable between 2007 and 2013, with 147 deaths in 2013, according to figures from the Road safety, since the beginning of the year, mortality increased by 6%. Sign that disasters do not happen to others, 44% of respondents acknowledged having had a bicycle accident.

Yet, this encourages them to protect themselves. Only 41% wear a helmet that day by 63% of respondents are in favor of mandatory helmet. A tool yet "necessary to prevent head injuries," said Stéphane Daeschner. The port of clothing with reflective tapes and reflective accessories, they are only 44% to wear. A greater tendency among younger are nearly three quarters to wear no safety feature headphones or reflective clothing, the latter being mandatory night outside towns.

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In addition, one-quarter of cyclists still use a bicycle without light, yet compulsory, front or back. "It must be repeated that a cyclist in traffic, especially in cities, is not visible. It must be equipped accordingly. Add to this, the risk of blind spots especially with buses and trucks, "says Emmanuel Renard.

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Study by Opinionway for MMA insurer, October 17 to 28, 2014 among a national sample of 1,041 cyclists (practicing cycling at least once a month) representative of the French cyclists aged 18 and distributed 1,142 cyclists 10 large cities (Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, Toulouse, Lille, Nantes, Nice, Strasbourg, Rennes) is 2.183 people practicing bike, from a representative sample of the original inhabitants of the urban area (on the criteria gender, age and socio-professional category according to INSEE).

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