Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 8. 4. 2021 v kategorii safety vest, přečteno: 792×

At the start of school, more than 2,500 safety vests were distributed to the first graders of the 54 primary schools in the city and district of Rosenheim by the Rosenheim traffic watch and the AOK in Rosenheim. When the reflective safety throws were handed over to headmistress Siglinde Böhnel from the Pang elementary school, Rosenheim's 2nd mayor Daniel Artmann thanked AOK Rosenheim and Verkehrswacht Rosenheim for their support: "In the dark and at dusk, the risk of accidents increases. With a safety vest, it can be reduced considerably for our smallest road users."

For AOK director Gerhard Schöndorfer, it is about road safety: "We are very happy when our contribution helps to make the way to school safer for the smallest and most vulnerable participants in road traffic and to further reduce the number of accidents on the way to school." The AOK cooperates at the action with the Bavarian State Traffic Watch. "Promoting road safety and avoiding traffic accidents - that is our aim, and the so-called warning triangles make a significant contribution to this," says Franz Polland from the roundabout guard in Rosenheim. Headmistress Siglinde Böhnel is also pleased that the AOK and the Bavarian State Transport Authority are equipping the first graders with reflective warning triangles this school year.

"The youth traffic school makes another important contribution to road safety, especially with the fourth year cycle training", emphasizes Police Director Volker Klarner, head of the Rosenheim police station.

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