Road safety: PRIORITIES vigilance for seniors

Napsal (») 8. 8. 2015 v kategorii road safety, přečteno: 630×

Four pedestrians have died this year in the city without wearing reflective safety vest. The municipality responded by preventive actions. 

The conclusion is that the City of dramatique has been pursuing actions for road safety, and regularly makes public its accident record. Four pedestrians have died this year in the city. Two seniors who crossed the floor on passages dedicated.

How to react? By organizing a special week dedicated to the prevention of accidents in the city. Monday started, it continues throughout the week, culminating in a "giant code" that seniors will spend tomorrow afternoon in the conference room of City Hall.

"We rely as usual on statistics to guide our actions,” says Roger Camion, Councilor Delegate to road safety. “Two seniors were killed on pedestrian crossings, which are dramatic; we decided to focus this week primarily to seniors.

And also remember a few priorities. "We have three main themes: respect for pedestrian crossings, traffic lights and priorities In addition, add a better understanding of users when the speed limit is 30 km / h zones newly appointed as course also deserve the spotlight for these shared among several categories of users areas are more accepted. And also we can advocate pedestrians to wear clothes with reflective fabric for their own safety.

Yet to pass these messages, what the municipal service year-round this week with aims to consolidate its action and give it a special meaning. "It is intended primarily for seniors, but each of us should feel concerned. Besides, if the local police conduct numerous preventive actions this week, she will not hesitate to crack when she found faced with tort issues. "

Even if, in ten years, the number of accidents has halved in Meringues, the recent tragic events highlight in this field proves nothing is ever won. "We cannot be satisfied with statistics, even though the numbers is going down. Hence this week exclusively local, which we hope, will bear fruit quickly.

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