The support for "The Yellow vests" in France declined

Napsal (») 9. 4. 2019 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 277×
reflective vests

The support for the so-called yellow vest of France dropped yesterday after President Emmanuel Macron's television talk, where he promised to ease the economic tightening.

Macron yesterday gave a 13-minute television broadcast where he promised concrete actions. He also expressed understanding for the protesters and their anger.

The president made promises of higher minimum wages and promised to withdraw a planned tax increase that would have hit pensioners.

Before Macron's speech, more than two-thirds of the French supported the grass-roots movement The Yellow Vest.

On Monday evening two different questionnaires were made. Each points to a clear shift in opinion. About half of the French now support the protest movement The Yellow vest.

The yellow vests who wear reflective vests have protested angrily at Macron for his tight economic policies.

At the same time, the surveys show that about half of the French thought that Macron's message in the TV talk was credible, while half did not like it.

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