Students dressed in reflective vest to school

Napsal (») 15. 9. 2015 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 585×

One hundred parents and studentsmanifest themselves by extending the school.

Shouting "defend children, not sold" going along Florida Education and claim to work to delay the summer of 2015.Minutes before five o'clock, in the vicinity of the Gabion Diaz Merchant Square Florida whistles they were heard. From a distance they attracted attention for their reflective vests, hundreds of parents and public school students Juan Rodriguez Moniz, placed behind a banner that read the slogan: 'The College Campos, works without children'.

From this starting point began yesterday, dressed in reflective work clothes and helmets, and marched along the Paso de La Florida, to the neighborhood of the school. There read a manifesto to vindicate the Ministry of Education to delay the expansion of the current building and educational postponed until next summer. Would avoid that their fears were met: that the arrival of workers and trucks endangering their children.

"We are trying to listen to us," said a father, a huge noise between the whistles and shouted protest slogans. Well who learned of his protest were the residents of Florida, who left shops and homes in its path. "Do not look at us; join 'encouraged them young and their parents. Reflective accessories are very necessary. There were more slogans: "They defend themselves, children do not sell" or "works without children."

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