Safety vests for cycling

Napsal (») 8. 8. 2018 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 227×
reflective vests, reflective tapes, reflective materials

Road safety advisors of the county police authority Unna carry out the cycle driving education with all fourth classes of the elementary schools in the circle Unna. The correct use of the bicycle is trained with the children first in the schoolyard and later also in the public traffic area. At the end of the cycling training is the bike test, after the existence of the coveted bicycle license is handed out.

Matthias, traffic safety adviser of the police, and the elementary school children in Werne today had every reason to shine: punctually to the test drive for the bicycle driving license Dirk and his team from the driving school handed over a total of 40 reflective vests, which from the primary schools in Werne be used. Reflective vests with reflective tapes increase the visibility of the kids, thus reflective materials contributing significantly to the safety of little cyclists on our roads, especially in the darker season.

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