Reflective vest required for two-wheelers drivers

Napsal (») 1. 7. 2015 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 569×

Strict controls, especially in two-wheelers should lead to lower accident rates, some 12,000 are registered per year, this caused illness and care costs in about a million dollars. So reflective clothing is very important for two-wheelers drivers.

"The idea is to reduce the high rate of accidents in our country, this should law enforcement agencies through tougher laws for this are in place," said the head of the National Transport Authority, Justo Dominguez.

A few days ago the Ministry of Health announced that 17,000 traffic accidents per year 12,000 motorcyclists were involved and hundreds of people were killed.

Many awareness campaigns have been developed, however, seem to have failed, the behavior has not changed, Dominguez said. Road police with reflective uniform and the communities have laws strictly enforce, otherwise these are "dead letter" The goal is to protect lives through the necessary controls.

The accidents cost money from the pockets of taxpayers, Dominguez said, and urged the parents to let go of any minors.

Last week, other issues were regulated by law, among others, are the main points not more than two people on the motorcycle, and a compulsory insurance against accidents (SOAT).

Other things, such as driving license, the mandatory use of helmet and reflective vest must not be further mentioned, these requirements were always. Please do not use children under 12 years do not ride, even with "motocargas", the three-wheeled load donkeys, no persons are permitted to be transported, but this is gang ashore commonplace.

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