Paris introduces new e-scooter rules

Napsal (») 4. 11. 2019 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 362×
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Paris has introduced a stricter regulation of most electric personal transportation devices. The new rules, valid since last week, concern e-scooters, electric unicycles, and hoverboards. following a decree published in the Official Journal on 25 October, they fall within the scope Of the Traffic Law.

The new rules are more precise, just like the City of Paris wanted them to be and are considered a milestone in the field of e-scooter regulation. Here is what you need to know about driving such a vehicle in the French capital.

Limitations for speed and circulation

The speed limit for all these machines is set to a maximum of 25 kilometers per hour, like the existing one for electric bikes. If you do not respect this limitation, you risk a fine of up to 1500 euros.

Circulation of such vehicles is limited to bicycle lanes and on roads where the maximum speed is no higher than 50 km/h. Driving on sidewalks is strictly prohibited and punishable by a fine of 135 euros.

Protective measures required

Like with bicycles, scooters must be equipped with front and rear lights, a horn and a reflector (a retro-reflective system). It is also advisable for riders to wear a helmet, a reflective vest (especially at night or in conditions of poor Visibility) and to use gloves.

The driver must be at least 12 years old. Disrespect of this rule can lead to a fine of 35 euros. It is important to know also that wearing headphones is also prohibited, so is transporting other passengers. Moving in a pair on a scooter is Punishable as well and can cost you 135 euros.

Where to park an e-scooter

In Paris, to avoid hindering pedestrians, self-service electric scooters no longer have the right to park on sidewalks, pedestrian areas and on the road, following a decree of the Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo, issued at the end of July. You can Park for free on the spaces for paid parking of motorized vehicles and to the parking lots of self-balancing scooters, as well as on the 15 000 places dedicated to the parking of the scooters that the city is currently making available.

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