It is also worth preparing the car for the holidays

Napsal (») 4. 9. 2019 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 341×
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Families typically go on vacation at this time, and according to statistics, at least 50 percent of them leave by car. As the average age of the domestic vehicle fleet is over 14, chances are many people do it with older cars.

It is also worth preparing the car for the holidays

Families typically go on vacation at this time, and according to statistics, at least 50 percent of them leave by car. As the average age of the domestic vehicle fleet is over 14, chances are many people do it with older cars.

Families are preparing for months to relax for one to two weeks, as it feels good to break out of your daily routine and relax all year long. According to Gfk Hungária's analysis, 54% of the Hungarian population are planning a summer trip, and the car remains the most popular travel tool. Therefore, it is important to know what to look out for before you leave, as proper preparation is needed to reach your destination.

Let's have the car checked.

Dealerships offer seasonal inspections that check the condition of our car for a few thousand forints. If necessary, they can remedy the problems here. It is important that the chassis, tires, brakes, air conditioning are in good condition before traveling, but it is equally important to check the level of fluids (eg brake, radiator, washer), bulbs and spare wheel.

The tire pressure is adjusted according to the number of luggage and passengers, as more people are traveling in the car, with many things, more pressure is needed on the wheels. Under low pressure, the tires can wear irregularly and, in extreme situations, tires that become warm due to friction due to deformation may explode.

Check the accessories!

It is mandatory to carry a first aid kit and a warning triangle in the car, fire extinguishers, visibility reflective vests, glow kits, and a tow rope are required in many countries.

Let's take out insurance!

Before leaving, make sure you have international insurance for your vehicle and do not forget to ensure your passengers with sickness and luggage, as lacking them can cause serious costs.

Let's pack professionally!

In the event of sudden braking or an accident, poorly secured luggage can cause serious problems, so it is worth paying attention to how we pack. Let's put the bigger, heavier things down, and the smaller, lighter packs can go up. Secure sharp objects with a strap and cover the trunk with a blanket! If you carry a larger item in the passenger compartment, you can even fasten it with a seat belt, and place the smaller items in the compartments and glove compartments designed for this purpose. But we also make sure that the passengers, especially the children, are properly seated in the car.

Let's pay attention to these

Before we set out on the road, let's look at the rules of foreign countries, because not knowing them did not exempt us from the offenses we had committed. We also map where and what kind of highway sticker we will need. Let's feed our destination into navigation even at home, and be sure to allow highway usage for the software! Finally, on the fly, do not go out of the way to reach your destination with as few stops as possible, but relax in time when everyone can get a little refreshed.

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