A car overturned police in reflective vest

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 9. 5. 2015 v kategorii reflective vest, přečteno: 864×

The official in reflective vest was slightly injured in this accident in the night. Two youths were arrested. This is a simple accident, said a source close to the investigation.

A car knocked down and slightly injured a police near the Elysee in the night from Wednesday to Thursday and his driver and a passenger were taken into custody, has does one source close to the investigation. "This is a simple road accident," said this source. "The facts are separate attacks last week and no link is established" with the attacks in Paris, said the prosecutor in his reflective uniform.

The young driver of 19 years would have panicked after borrowing the street from the Elysee against the trend and reversed the police on duty outside the Elysee a few meters away, on the corner of rue Duras and Faubourg saint- Honoré.

After the accident, the car continued to drive a few minutes. The driver and passenger were then quickly abandoned their car a few blocks away and were arrested. "The driver had no alcohol in the blood, much less the profile of a young radicalized" assured that source.

Francois Hollande, who was returning from the inauguration of the Philharmonie, went to see the wounded police who wears a reflective vest in the fire truck where she received first aid from doctors and police in reflective safety vest, to take from him and wish him a good recovery, according to sources close to the presidency. The young woman was wounded in the shoulder blade by hand and taken to hospital for checks.

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