At the gates of the Carnival holiday, many prepare to travel to various parts of the country. With the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, travelers prefer to mobilize by land in their own and/or rented vehicles, as a precaution against possible contagion. For safe mobility, follow these 10 recommendations so that your trip does not have unforeseen events:
1. COE Provisions: Be alert to the provisions and prohibitions issued by the COE and above all by municipal governments, which are those that have traffic competence to generate mobility analyzes in each municipality.
2. Vehicle condition: Make a preventive check of your vehicle before the trip. Check tire pressure, condition of pens, oil and water/coolant level, condition of brakes and lights. Don't forget to bring your tool kit, position triangles, fire extinguisher, reflective vest, and first aid kit.
3. Documents: Check that your documents (license, registration) are up to date before starting the trip. During the holiday, operations will be carried out in various parts of the country.
4. Open spaces: Look for open destinations that allow you to maintain the necessary social distancing such as protected areas, parks, nature reserves, among others. Plan and reserve your stay in advance, do not remove the mask if it is not necessary or you are sharing spaces with more families. Use gel to disinfect your hands and/or items that you handle.
5. Avoid distractions: Put your full attention on the road, avoid using your cell phone, drinking alcoholic beverages, playing games, smoking or eating. A slight distraction could cause serious accidents.
6. Seat belt: Make sure that all vehicle occupants wear the seat belt before starting the trip and that they use it throughout the journey. Children who are less than 1.35cm tall must be properly seated in their car seats.
7. Speed: Respect the speed limits established in the road signs and by the radars. Being careful with the speed of your car will allow you, in the event of a possible accident, to perform a good maneuver and mitigate the impact.
8. Passing precautions: Pass only in permitted areas, where there are broken white lines on the road. Never do it in curves or in places that do not have good visibility.
9. Trunk: Do not exceed the capacity of the trunk of the car. It is advisable to accommodate the luggage and objectives in the established diameter very well to avoid that in some sudden braking the suitcases hit the occupants of the vehicle. Also, the loading of luggage is of vital importance in the dynamic behavior of the vehicle.
10. Breaks: If the drive is too long and you've driven more than eight hours, take a break; especially if you haven't had enough sleep before the trip. In this way, you will have your most latent reaction reflexes to any unforeseen event.