Winter timidly attacked Krakow's streets. Dangerously on bridges and steep, winding roads

Napsal (») 25. 4. 2019 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 253×
reflective vests,reflective tape

The first winter attack is behind us. During the night from Monday to Tuesday, 55 vehicles for removing the effects of snowfall, including 21 solariums, left the streets. In the coming days, further rainfall and frost are expected.

"The most dangerous places during the attack of snow and frost are bridges and viaducts as well as steep and winding sections of roads that the sun does not reach even during the day. Such a place is, for example, ul. Leśna leading to the Krakow Zoological Garden. Even if the temperature is positive during the day, the surface of this street may be icy," says Piotr Odorczuk, spokesperson of the Municipal Cleaning Company in Krakow.

The Defender reports that street is equally dangerous. Orla, Lewa Landau, Matematyków Krakowskich, Łużycka, Jodłowa, as well as the viaduct on al. 29th of November. This is where the services react the fastest during the first snowfall.

Piotr Odorczuk predicts that according to weather forecasts, snowfall is expected to happen this morning. "We are prepared for snowfall combined with temperatures below zero," MPO spokesman assures.

Municipal services ensure that from mid-October they are ready to fight the winter weather. The reception of the contractor database has been confirmed, the equipment has been checked, intervening communication has been tested. 252 units are ready for the "Zima" campaign to maintain roads and pavements.

To ensure safety on roads and pavements, 13,100 tons of salt, 2,370 tons of sand, 112.5 tons of calcium chloride and 10 cubic meters of brine were collected. The action is coordinated by MPO Kraków.

Yesterday morning, the Alert Alert in connection with the ice and snowfall in the southern part of Poland was issued by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management. The first-degree warnings about icing apply to the following provinces: Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie, Małopolskie, and Śląskie. According to IMGW, one should expect, among other difficulties in road traffic.

Police officers in Cracow urge drivers not only to replace tires for winter car owners but also to replace the windscreen washer fluid with one that does not freeze at low temperatures. When getting into the car when it's snowing, it's worth removing the headlights and license plates.

"Let's also remember that this time of year is already dark in the afternoon. The pedestrian sees the car much ahead of the driver's notice of the pedestrian. That is why it is so important to wear reflective vests or even a switched flashlight. The driver traveling at 80 km / h sees a pedestrian dressed in the dark from a distance of 30-40 meters. Already one reflective tape makes the pedestrian visible from a distance of 120-160 meters. "

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