The police bus will focus on truck pirates

Napsal (») 8. 3. 2019 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 294×
reflective vests,reflective clothing,reflective tapes

They read the magazine behind the wheel, get a quick lunch or check out what's new on Facebook. Some truck drivers ride along the D8 motorway in northern Bohemia with rest and lying on the couch in the living room.


They risk their lives and others, while they should be on the alert. As police statistics show, last year, a total of 10,820 accidents occurred in the county, of which over 6,000 caused the driver just because of the wrong way of driving.


The regional traffic police headed by director Jim UK intends to deploy a police bus on the highway, following the example of the Charade Overlook and Parricide regions. "The civilian bus will run around the trucks and monitor the offenses of the drivers. When I get over it, some drivers are able to hold the steering wheel, make phone calls, watch the tablet, cut the nails at their feet, and boil the soup. This will be a moment of surprise when he finds out that the bus is not a regular passenger, but a policeman, "says UK.


When a violation is detected, the colleague's bus crew contacts the police passages or super buses who drive along the highway. Then the driver stops.


Despite the planned measures, the D8 motorway is still among the safest sections in the Test ad Lab-em Region. Last year, only one person died out of a total of 37 deaths.


The vast majority of human lives have disappeared on roads I and II. classes. "The worst places in terms of traffic accidents are the stretch between Loony and the state border, I / 7 from Dory Sv. Bestirring to Panes Connect and, of course, the surroundings of the big cities, where we especially met at the end of the year with cases of pedestrians' says UK.


Pedestrians are just another area where police are going to focus more. If they go out of the village in low visibility near a road where there are no lamps, they are obliged to wear reflective vests or reflective clothing. In cooperation with transport experts (BESIP), however, police officers have convinced that many have no idea about it. For example, Thursday 10th January in the Krupp industrial zone in Replica or the day before at the bus stop near Chummed in Test ad Lab-em. Last September, a pedestrian biker struck off the bus. They both died.


"Here we found ten absolutely invisible pedestrians. They are afraid, but they say they are aware of the risk. Often we also go to Krupp and other places, but there is one day giving out the reflective tapes, and the other day, the same people do not have it. I think that where prevention is not, repression begins, "says BESIP transport expert Jan Pitchout.


Pedestrian accidents also see the myth of absolute advantages. "When an amendment to the law came, the media revealed that pedestrians always have absolute priority. This is not true, but it has been rooted in people, "says UK.


Drivers on the exam would say helped

Among the most dangerous drivers, according to traffic experts, people under the age of 23 are only two years old. "They are not outrageous, they have no responsibility. They are often young men who want to show off. They ride in disco clocks, ride in unwanted races, drive more in their cars, play loud music, they are excited, deaf and tired. We were lucky last year from such accidents, but I remember times when eight young people died at the same time, "adds UK and Pitchout agree that reducing the number of accidents among young drivers would help the driving license for a test that works in Germany, France in Slovakia.


"With such a driver he has to drive a little slower on the highway, he must not go at night, he can not pull trailers. There has been a dramatic reduction in the number of accidents in countries where it is already operating. I believe it will happen soon in our country, "added Pitchout.

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