Take reflective tape for Jogging at night

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 23. 5. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 775×

Not easy to find the courage to run in winter, the sun rises late and sets early. Here are some tips for running at night and encourage you. First, take clothing with reflective tape.

It gets dark when you go to work, and the sun has already set when you return in the evening? Do not be discouraged! Take the opportunity to go running and get ready athletic body for summer. The Red Bulletin gives you some tips to go jogging at night.

Cover up and be visible

To avoid catching cold, do not hesitate to use cold-adapted clothing. Overlap the layers to maintain your body temperature. And do not forget to protect the ends of your body: ears, hands and especially feet. Good running shoes are important for your comfort, your joints and back, and remember to better have shoes with reflective strip to ensure safety.

Wear reflective clothing or reflective accessories with reflective tape to be visible to motorists. You will be able to run safely.

Stay alert and keep your bearings

Running at night requires more attention, because the obstacles are often at the last moment. If you do not know your route and if it is poorly lit, you provide an LED headlamp. At night, it is sometimes difficult to keep your bearings. Avoid away from your usual perimeter, to be sure of run safely and quickly go in case of problems.
Let your headphones at home

You cannot imagine running without music? Do not hesitate to try it; you will discover another world sounds. It is during the night that the hearing perception is at its maximum.

Exercising with a friend or in a group can be very motivating. No more excuses for putting on your slippers and eat sweets in front of TV. Besides, the night’s runs or night trails may be organized near you. Do not hesitate to wear safety jacket to make yourself visible when you running at night. After the effort, comfort, you have to face the cold winter, then think of rewarding you. A hot shower, a hot chocolate or a slice of cake will make you the most good.

Are you missing a goal?

Think a specific purpose encourage you? Register for the Wings for Life World Run, a charity race organized worldwide at exactly the same time. In Belgium, it will take place in Ypres on May 3 to 13 hours. The money raised during the event will be donated to the Wings for Life Foundation, which raises funds to find a cure against the spinal cord.

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