"Safe Way to School" with reflective tape

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 14. 8. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 654×

As part of the Safe Way to School, we advise you how to effectively take care of our youngest road safety and how to minimize the risks associated with moving them along the way. Autumn and winter is not only reason to wear a warm hat with reflective tape. Also getting shorter day, more frequent fog and dusk, and that means limited visibility. It is therefore important to equip your child with reflectors, which make it well after dark the driver is able to detect pedestrians even at a distance of 300 meters. 14000 reflectors in the shape of delfinków will distribute in September, co-organizer of the "Safe Way to School" Loots Group. Let us remember that for children up to 15 years of age outside built-up, reflective elements are mandatory, but are also important in the city. Even learned on the plate traffic rules do not mean that the child will adjust to them.

Psychologists argue that child's behavior - especially at a younger age - parents have the biggest impact. It is therefore important that we set a good example. If you go on the red repeat, like a mantra that "is not allowed" is no good for nothing. Walk together. The road to school is a child often first solo trek through the streets. It is for someone to help him get to know her, and there is no better person to fulfill this task, than mom or dad. Walk can make that will definitely calmer for our comfort. - Just go together all the way from home to school, on the way stopping at places which deserve attention and explaining to the child how it should behave. Let's go back the same way, but this time let the child lead. It is good to be on the safe repeat such break after a month - says Joanna Scent of the Regional Police Headquarters in Gdansk. Show your child signs. It is important that the child not only knew the rules and the necessity of wearing reflective clothing, but also understood why it should be respected. The same adjustment to the rules is important, but unanswered the question "why?" The Highway Code may appear to be simply a collection of bizarre ideas. Each should know why people had agreed that a road sign or the color of light on the siren react in a certain way. Rules and restrictions do not come from nothing and serve the safety of users streets.

So it is with skipping over the fence, climbing a tree, but also of behavior on the road, and there may turn out to be deadly. Students should wear reflective vest to make them visible. Our freshly baked student should know that the street is a place where you should exercise extreme caution and - even playing well, coming back from school with friends - remember to use common sense and be aware that this is not a playground.

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