Reflective tape will increase your visibility

Napsal (») 27. 4. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 843×

Not being seen is a gamble with life. So called campaign traffic police in the. By the end of every day police officers will warn cyclists and pedestrians how very important it is to wear reflective elements. Ty is able to greatly increase our visibility and a morning trip to work or school, and then it is much safer.

Student Thomas went to school along the road was still dark. He was wearing dark clothing. The drivers were quick to overlook, but he got reflective armband. "It seems pointless because I have not experienced that here someone honked at me," comments Thomas.

Wear reflective elements certainly not useless. According to the coordinator BESIP for Hradec Kralove Region Petra Hoška are even indispensable:

"I would recommend reflective tape, cyclists would be appropriate even waistcoat. When I nasvítí driver, so there is a much greater distance visibility than when I drive only in dark clothes. Distance from there can move up to around 200 meters. "

If a man wearing a black jacket, for example, the driver sees him in the dark only from thirty meters. And that can often be too late. Traffic police in Hradec Kralove region, therefore, started a campaign without being seen is a gamble with life right now in November, when the shortest days. Pedestrians and cyclists get reflective products.

"We talk with them on the subject of good visibility. Cyclist has a statutory obligation to use front and rear lights in poor visibility, and generally reflective light. Pedestrian such an obligation by law and does not think it's risky. Therefore, we try to explain it to people to understand and heed their safety, "said policeman Jan Čížkovský.

In the first quarter of this year on the roads in Hradec Kralove region killed seven pedestrians and cyclists two. Throughout the Hradec Králové Region, cyclists and pedestrians at the end of the year will focus 30 police patrols. The field will be mainly in the morning and evening.

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