Ready for winter running with reflective tape

Napsal (») 27. 5. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 752×

The most important layer is a waterproof jacket. A must to protect themselves from the rain! So that your legs do not suffer from the cold, jogging pants and the long running tights are proving to be the parts of the hottest there, and also much better if with refective fabric or tape.

Also be sure to cover your extremities. These are the hands, feet, and also by the head than body heat is evacuated. To do this, socks Looped (soft and breathable), gaiters, hat and gloves in wool lined with silk (known for its lightness and excellent thermal input) are your best allies.

When running in the cold, your body is trying hard to maintain body heat and burns more calories. To promote thermoregulation your body but also decrease muscle fatigue, the use of compression garments is recommended, with reflective tape for the best.
If you run several times a week, two pairs of sneakers are planning to switch to running each session and not have to run wet feet. In case of snow, go for running sneakers with big spikes or endow them with chains to get a better grip, and don’t forget a pair of reflective shoes can always keep you visible at nighttime.

The winter rider must also face another problem as the cold: the dark. To see where you step, equip yourself with a headlamp and to be seen, adding reflective strips on clothing is also a good option. Now you are ready for winter running!

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