Protect motorists with reflective tape

Napsal (») 11. 7. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 605×

If a message from us can prevent one collision, it's just good. Our goal's not handing out as many fines as possible. Our job is to prevent crime. Said police superintendent Haggier Rumsfeld, who wears the uniform with reflective strips, spent Saturday mornings out on the road. At the start of the weekend he embarked following message face book group "Avoid police checks!

"I have very credible information indicating that police in Verso now last Christmas weekend is going to ensure that drivers are sober and are ensuring that Blurter is sufficiently ice-free (and elsewhere have sufficient visibility). Drive safely; take care of each other and good weekend.” The case was first published.

1. Giving away prizes

Saturday started police controls in Hvistendahl Gate. Cars were waved through, drivers asked to blow, and when the meter gave satisfactory results got the guides premiums.

We share the throat buffer for kids, reflective tape and an ice scraper to motorists. So if those who are going out to walk now in the dark months using reflexes, and those receiving Ice scraper use them on automobile windshields, then it becomes safer in traffic, says Rushfeldt to Finn mark.

2. Clever motorists

Police with reflective uniform have been visible over the last weekends can report good motorists. Mostly it makes people as they should. Some people get a little panic when they see that we are here, and turning up one exit earlier, but it does not mean anything other than that the license has been home. Nevertheless, we follow after to check, he says. And totally predictable police will not be.

Therefore, we are not in the same place so long a time, says Rushfeldt, as the resource is very pleased with weekend work.

Most people are very nice. Even in the Christmas rush think them it’s okay to be stopped, and most respond positively to the gifts, he said.

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