Six out of ten dead pedestrians die on the roads at night and eight in poor visibility. The sad statistics logically led to the amendment of the Road Traffic Act by compulsory reflective elements. Police officers or pedestrian police officers check, but as the Survey reveals, reflexive tapes are instead being handed over to fatty fines.
The fine for the absence of security features, Eva, spokeswoman of the city police in Hradec, can reach up to 2000 crowns. But the penalties do not yet fall, as confirmed by her colleague from Jilin police Hanna.
"We are more likely to explain to the offenders how important it is to see them, and on that occasion we give them the reflective tapes," added Kerala.
"In particular, prevention and education are essential, and policemen in the Pilsner Region also provide pedestrians with reflective elements," police spokesman Jana Tom ova confirmed. For example, seniors on one of the busy junctions in the center of Piles received shopping bags in reflective colors Monday morning.
Even from the Moravian-Silesian policemen, no fines are yet to fall. "At events, we give out to the pedestrians reflective tapes, of which they are quite interested," said New York-based police spokesman Pert Gris.
His colleague from Fryer district Starry added that people even go to the police and ask for reflective tapes. "Unfortunately, we do not have enough to give them to anyone free of charge. We do it only on preventive actions.
In contrast to pedestrians without reflexive elements, even in Brad in Pesky Kremlin, contrast ribbons are instead of fines. "Walkers check in the evening and inform them that they should have reflective elements. We also took BESIP and distributed them, "Roman Kossel, police officer, told police. Also, the Brno police officers hand over the so-called pussies, which are reflective strips on the sleeve. "People go to our staffs, and in the past six months we have handed them up to eight hundred," said City Police spokesman.
The policemen explain to people that reflective elements are good to wear in the city, not only in low-lighted streets, but everywhere, especially under reduced visibility.
A qualified assessment of the impact of the new law is so early, but polled officers and police officers have welcomed it unanimously. And again, it is not just sanctions.
"But personally, I think it is very good that the visibility of pedestrians is talking, it has a preventive impact. I notice that people wear reflective tapes on the bag during the day, so there is a lot of awareness, "Starry said.
In Jilin, according to the police officers, the number of pedestrians with reflective clothing items has risen. "It's not enough for a pedestrian to have a flashlight in his hand. It must be seen from behind. That's why the reflective vest or tape is the most suitable, "added Kerala.