Children has a backpack with reflective tape be visible

Napsal (») 12. 9. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 597×

Children should always ride in the back seat of the vehicle and has a backpackwith reflective tape to makethem visible. These are two of the ten vials strategies Public Safety for Children launched by the deputy minister of the area. To about 300 schoolchildren aged eight and ten, in the school auditorium Don Boaco, Vice Minister of Public Safety, Gonzalo Lozano, he presented the Decalogue, the implementation and success depends on both parents and the local authorities, departmental and national.

"These are policies for adults and protect children so that they can take care of the danger in the streets," summarized Lozano, who was accompanied by the departmental director of Traffic, Colonel Ivan Quiroz. "We launched the strategy, but public and private institutions are those that must work under these guidelines."

The educational material will be submitted to the Ministry of Education, mayors and governors to do it reach the educational units. With some exceptions, the guidelines are not new, they are legislated -Code Transit autonomy framework laws against the consumption and sale of alcohol and which are not fulfilled.

The Decalogue raises control the speed of the motor, encourage the use of helmets for cyclists and motorcyclists, improve systems for school bus safety, protect children in private cars, and improve visibility and road infrastructure.

It also aims to optimize signaling in school zones, watch the children in the vicinity of roads, and avoid driving under the influence of alcohol and, in case of accident, first aid for children. Police, meanwhile, filed around noon yesterday a draft Education Curriculum Content in the Field of Education and Road Safety at the initial level, drawn by Captain Boris Mendoza. The document was delivered to the Ministry of Government and is expected to be implemented in the medium term by the ministry of Education.

The project has the same guidelines of the Decalogue. "We used to take the kids in the front of the car, to go along to accompany the mother or father when it is most dangerous to a possible accident. Children should always go back and safety belt, "said Mendoza for example.

He is convinced that a major shortcoming in the Bolivian cities is poor road culture of its inhabitants. "Here, in the Children's Center Copacabana, we teach children three and four years to identify and know the basic rules of the road as pedestrians, drivers and passengers."

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