Amendment to the Road Traffic Act: reflective tape or reflective vest

Napsal (») 21. 4. 2015 v kategorii reflective tape, přečteno: 923×

So we are a little bit safer. State representatives on our security think he goes. They very eager to pedestrian safety particularly those threatened by the ruthless behind the wheel. And so the government approved a draft amendment to the Road Traffic Act, which also establishes the obligation to carry pedestrians in poor visibility on the roads outside the village of protective elements. If you will not have reflective tape or reflective vest, pay up to 2,500 crowns.

I will share with you one experience. When my first child was born, under the influence of the surrounding 'experienced' heads, which advised "babysit every step" and "not to let him out of his eyes" to "nepřizabilo" is my most frequent words, "MUST NOT", "not "and" attention ". The child was perfectly soothing feelings of safety; after all, mom watches him after all, so nothing can happen. I just turned my back for a second, ran headlong into the middle of the road and had to be rescued. The boiling pot on the stove directly magically lured and lured to degeneration on its head. Scared mom could wrest his lungs "attention", but the child was not well guard. Once he resolved to try what it might do when Mom will be "careful" chisel, and puts his hand on a hot plate. They were not enough to wonder both what followed.

Not so with the other children. Strategy "Now I go to the other room, I keep with it as he want," proved surprisingly functional. Hardly an infant crawling almost immediately learned to follow my mom where she went. Instead of being a mom patrolled hyperactive child, child immediately began patrolling mom. Similarly, functional strategy proved "it's hot - Try it." System of small and basically attempts to secure son quickly learned that the griddle is hot knife is sharp, strange dog bites, and my mom at five o'clock in the morning they are not, because at that time tends to foul mood.

This is not no breakthrough, even has a name. Economists call this moral hazard. The point is that people insurance or otherwise protected behave less responsibly than they would act if they themselves having to worry about ourselves. And so themselves and others their irresponsible behavior directly summon misfortune. This is what parents and economists have come long ago, but apparently escapes the state. And so we now decided to become again a bit more to build touchline, regulate and protect.

The result? Children and adults compulsorily putting in reflective vests gain a false sense of security. Children play in the middle of the road on a blind man’s buff, because “you have the vest” and are "still no car cannot run." A desperate drivers will be criminalized for them nevycválané child strung in shining jacket leaped from the pavement arrow directly under the wheels - we did see him. The more the state tries to protect us, the more of us have just grown apart mindless sheep who park their more life-threatening bullshit, the greater the protection over them.

Nothing against reflective vest. She wouldn’t like her child on the road in the dark let go, likewise, without a helmet on skis, without spinal protectors’ horses, or without a car seat in the car. But the difference is that I am acting on the basis of information on hazards, not on the basis of the prohibition or command. Prohibition and command only arouse disgust and rebellious desire to circumvent the law. Only free dissemination of information, rather than state Big Brother, may actually protect people. But dissemination is exactly to what the state wants.

Typical example: When he failed all other available medications, prescribed medicine physician son of nasturtium. Thus, I was handed a normal recipe, with whom I went to a normal pharmacy. It was not a spurious placebo bought at a gas station. What was my surprise, - and horror - when I read about on the product's packaging memorable sentence: "The herbarium is a nasturtium plant referred to as an antibiotic, but other effects not possible due to EU legislation to provide the information." Yes - EU forbids us to have information. And if you do not believe, look to Commission Regulation (EU) no. 432/2012 of 16 May 2012. There is even explains why it is forbidden to disseminate information. He says: "Using ... would lead to contradictory and confusing understanding on the part of consumers ... "Translated into Czech: Do not, do not ask, pay taxes, buy medicines, pay earn pharmaceutical companies and the state budget and naively believe that the state will protect itself. A bacha, who asks too dangerous for the system and therefore uncomfortable.

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