Asked a few months ago, some people consider it to be inefficient and even dangerous.
For some time now, anger has rumbled in the town, resulting in a petition that has already collected nearly eight hundred signatures. The reason for this dispute: the laying, a few months ago, of studs separating the cycle lane from the rest of the roadway on the boulevards of the town.
Johanna Trouchaud and Anne-Sophie Diaz, who are at the origin of the petition, explain: "These plots are permanent insecurity for the pedestrians. To date, several people have already fallen." It is a danger, they continue. because we do not see them, even if the shape is regulatory, while there are colored studs, equipped with reflective strips on the sides. "Frédérica Boccanfuso has, for its part, paid for these studs. Assessment: a fracture of the right patella with immobilization for six weeks and rehabilitation sessions. "Being used to walking, playing sports regularly, I'm not impotent, but in front of the lack of visibility, we are quickly surprised," she says. As for Doriane Idris, it was when she left Crédit Agricole that her foot came into contact with the plot attached to the pedestrian crossing. Result: stitches on the nose, broken telescope and ten days of temporary incapacity for work (ITT). "Going to the town hall to get a paper for my insurance, I quickly realized that I did not have much to hope for, I am, apparently, the only one responsible."
Sabine, the mother of two boys who use the bike lane, confirms: "The studs do not prevent the vehicles from parking but, on the other hand, force the bikes out of the track, so to stumble on these studs. or not visible, there should be more color or fluorescent bands. "
Contacted about it, the head of police station of the municipality, Philippe Michalot, will confirm: "The studs installed on the roadway are of shape and color regulation. It will be proceeded shortly to the renovation of the markings on the ground, which will facilitate the visibility of these separation accessories. "