Importance of reflective stripe to enhance road visibility

Napsal (») 4. 3. 2015 v kategorii reflective stripe, přečteno: 824×

Extensive traffic event ended around six o'clock in the evening. Police patrols were strewn throughout the district and to monitor traffic and villages.

It is a campaign of the Regional Police Directorate Králové region, which aims to increase the safety of non-motorized road users. Cyclists and pedestrians of all ages will be in the preventive meeting, either directly on the road or in preventive lectures, awareness of the importance of good visibility and reflective elements during movement on the road.

Pedestrians and cyclists in addition to important information will receive an information leaflet from BESIP and especially from a meeting with the police take away the retro-reflective tape. It is a yellow tape 5 cm wide of various lengths with a reflective stripe in the middle, which the wearer more visible both day and night, up to 200 meters.

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