New concept: reflective sportwear for athletics

Napsal (») 6. 6. 2015 v kategorii reflective sportwear, přečteno: 827×

2XU, the Australian reflective sportswear brand, is proud to launch GHST a completely new product category based on lightness, offering a new point structure X-LITE PRO, the world's lightest fabric in both dry and wet conditions.

Talk of GHST equals sportswear talk lighter than air running. GHST is the latest technology and means that there is nothing to stop you. Designed for absolute efficiency, whether running on track, road or mountain, the tissue X-LITE PRO weighs only 86 grams, an incredible 40% less than standard reflective fabrics athletics.

Weightless, ethereal, unrestricted and fluid, 2XU has launched two new shirts under GHST collection: short-sleeved shirt and GHST Top tank top Singlet GHST. In addition to the incredible lightness, runners will stay fresher and airy than ever thanks to the ICE X property, embedded in the yarn of the fabric.

Final settlement

Top GHST and Singlet 2XU are the ultimate solution for training in hot climates. Reflective material for added safety corridor contoured sleeves, minimal seams and a soft, silky finish.

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