Verkehrswacht Worms gets 4000 reflective bracelets

Napsal (») 27. 6. 2019 v kategorii reflective jacket, přečteno: 314×
safety vest,reflective tapes,reflective material

So young cyclists are easily recognizable for other road users even in the dark season, the "AG for Child and Family" donates the snap bands.

They look cooler than safety vests, caps or scarves - the neon yellow bandage bracelets, and of course, they serve a specific purpose. The reflective material of the over 30 centimeters long and three centimeters wide bands increases the visibility of their young wearers on the way to school, kindergarten or sports many times over. In this way, the eye-catching arm or leg jewelry, especially in the dark season for more safety in traffic.

Each of the more than a thousand children from Worms, Monsheim, Alsheim, Gimbsheim and Eich, who participate annually in the traffic education at the youth traffic school Worms, gets such a band, which can be easily put on the arm or leg with a "snap", as from alone there adapts and holds, given.

The Verkehrswacht Worms was now able to provide plenty of supplies thanks to a special donation. The club provided the youth traffic school 4000 new ribbons worth around 4700 euros, which found in the class 3 c of the Heinrich von Gagern primary school equal enthusiastic customers. The girls and boys from Monsheim recently completed their first exercise session on a bicycle after a theoretical briefing by the Traffic Safety Advisor for the Worms police station, Andreas Koenen, and police officer Sabine Attig.

Straight cyclists are easily overlooked in the dark

In addition to proper starting and driving on the bike path was the passing on the obstacle and driving in the roundabout in the center. Andreas Koenen was able to identify "some wobbly candidates", who were more concerned with braking, steering, and distance, as an attentive look for the surrounding traffic to spare. No wonder, many children now sit in the cold days but much less often on the bike and have accordingly little practice.

It is all the more important that the other road users keep an eye on them. Therefore, Policewoman Attig recommends the use of the bands on the hand-giving arms. From her own experience, she knows how quickly a dark-clad cyclist can be overlooked without light. In addition to a traffic-safe bike with intact lighting and reflectors, she advises reflective jacket, helmets in bright colors and just snaps bands.

Volker Rathay, Managing Director of the Verkehrswacht, and the First Chairman Lutz Schöllhammer was delighted with the "partnership that has grown over many years" with the "AG for Children and Family", thanks to those subsidies it was already possible to purchase signs and bicycles for the stationary facility in addition to the tapes. "The bracelets have proven themselves in practice. They are a meaningful and durable purchase," Rathay emphasized.

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