A blizzard and strong wind are expected in some places

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 19. 3. 2021 v kategorii reflective fabric, přečteno: 233×

The Federal State Budgetary Institution "Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of the Republic of Tatarstan" received information that at night and during the day on March 15, 2021, in the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan the following are expected:

- a blizzard with a deterioration in visibility up to 500-1000 m;

- strong wind in gusts of 15-20 m / s (in Kazan up to 18 m / s);

- ice;

- heavy snow at night in the west of the Republic of Tatarstan;

- snow and ice on the roads.

GU EMERCOM of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan recommends:

In a blizzard:

Shoes should be non-slip and comfortable. Walk carefully, step on the entire sole, taking into account the unevenness. Elderly people are advised to use a rubber-tipped cane or a special stick with pointed spikes.

Fans of outdoor activities are advised to have good communication equipment and navigation devices with them. If visibility deteriorates, measures should be taken so as not to lose orientation in the terrain.

Snowstorms and increased wind pose a danger to all road users. Drivers should avoid sudden braking by slowing down smoothly when stopping. When braking, press the brake pedal several times, thereby giving a signal warning to the drivers of vehicles that are moving behind you. It is necessary to pay attention to the technical condition of the vehicle, especially the braking system, and the condition of the tires. All optics must be in working order. Avoid long-distance travel if possible.

Pedestrians are advised to cross the street only at the marked pedestrian crossing. Do not cross the road in front of a moving vehicle, as due to the snowy road surface, the braking distance of the car is significantly increased. It is recommended to wear a high visibility vest or to attach reflective elements to clothing.

- for drivers to refrain from traveling to the limits of the settlement unless necessary, to be careful on the roads, to keep a safe distance, to choose a speed limit by weather conditions. It is necessary to avoid indiscriminate maneuvering and sudden braking and strictly follow the instructions of the road signs, the requirements, and instructions of the traffic police officers.

- fans of ice fishing should refrain from going out on the ice due to poor visibility. When going out on the ice, to avoid accidents, take into account the weather conditions, have good communication equipment, navigation devices with you, do not fish alone;

With ice:

Walk carefully, without rushing, step on the entire sole, taking into account the unevenness of the surface. Elderly people are advised to use a rubber-tipped cane or a special stick with pointed spikes. If you slip, sit down to lower your fall.

Avoid long-distance travel if possible.

Pedestrians are advised to cross the street only at the marked pedestrian crossing. Do not cross the road in front of a moving vehicle, because because of the slippery road surface, the braking distance of the car is significantly increased. Move only towards the traffic flow. Use reflective fabrics on clothing.

For drivers:

1. When driving a car in these conditions, refuse unnecessary rearrangements, overtaking, and overtaking;

2. Pay attention to the technical condition of the car, especially the brake system, the condition of the tires;

3. Avoid sudden braking, if necessary to stop, the speed must be reduced smoothly;

4. You should press the brake pedal several times, thereby giving a signal warning the drivers of cars that are moving behind you;

5. All optics must be in working order;

6. Drive at a speed that ensures safety in busy areas, near schools, at intersections and bridges, and on curves and downhill gradients.

For pedestrians:

1. Be extremely careful when crossing streets and roads;

2. Cross the street only at the place of the marked pedestrian crossing, remember that due to insufficient visibility and the slippery road surface, the driver needs more time to stop the vehicle;

3. To cross the carriageway, use, if possible, only overground or underground pedestrian crossings;

4. Do not cross the road in front of a moving vehicle;

5. Move only towards the traffic flow.

When the wind increases:

1. We recommend that you restrict the exit from buildings and stay indoors. It is important not to leave children unattended.

2. If a strong wind caught you on the street, we recommend that you take refuge in underground passages or building entrances. You should not hide from the strong wind near the walls of houses, as slate and other roofing materials may fall from the roofs. The same applies to public transport stops, unfinished buildings.

3. On the street, stay away from billboards, signboards, road signs, power lines.

4. Do not stay near large trees, as well as park vehicles next to them - branches torn off by the wind can pose great danger.

5. It is deadly in strong winds to stand under power lines and approach broken power lines.

6. Danger can be posed by broken glass falling from the windows of the upper floors, as well as elements of the roof and stucco decoration blew off by the wind. Such a threat is increasing in the vicinity of buildings under construction or renovation.

7. All windows of houses must be tightly closed, objects that may fall out from balconies and loggias must be removed.

8. Stay as far as possible from windows in a living or workspace.

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