9 out of 10 want reflexes to be required

Napsal Stellaqi.bloger.cz (») 29. 9. 2019 v kategorii reflective fabric, přečteno: 355×
reflective vest,reflective fabrics, reflective material

The fashion went into the fourth grade.

The 9th graders at school admit that they are not very good at using reflex.

"Maybe if we go a long way, I'll put on an arm reflex. But not on shorter trips," says Kristine Dankertsen Kuraas and Julie Stormo Olsen.

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Of course, they understand that using reflexes is safer than walking in the dark.

"But it just doesn't happen now," they admit.

Reflective Vest

"Did you use reflexes when you were smaller?"

"Yes, it was then to wear a reflective vest. But that fashion went into the fourth-fifth grade," the girl's grin.

Especially for the girls, it was cool to wear a pink reflective vest instead of the usual yellow ones.

The youngsters admit that the smartest thing would probably have been to continue using the vest. But it doesn't come to that.

Do you buy reflex equipment yourself?

The youths do not.

Mum or dad should gag on us to make us use reflex.

"Aren't you scared when you walk along the road with the risk that motorists won't see you?"

"No, I have walked several times where there are no street lights, but still, the motorists have seen me," explains Sondre Mathias Strand.

"Maybe I have a lot of reflective fabrics on the clothes," that is why he explains.

On the whole, young people want more cool clothes to be produced with clearly visible reflective areas.

He Sondre appears well in his jacket, they point out.

And that's right. Sondre has a jacket from Helly Hansen with large reflective H's.

"It's just not like getting youth to reflex. Therefore, we want the manufacturers to be able to equip clothes better with reflex," says the students at Lpsmarka school.

Also adults

A recent survey, conducted in November, from Ipsos MMI on behalf of Sparebanken Skadeforsikring and Trygg Trafikk, shows that many want reflexes in the dark to be required.

In Northern Norway, as many as 92 percents of those surveyed want reflexes to be mandated.

"Now we hope politicians take these signals seriously. We can reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured with a simple and inexpensive tool," says Jan Johansen, director of Trygg Trafikk, in a press release.

And then maybe the advice from the ninth step at Lpsmarka school might be worth looking into More reflex on clothes; also for adults. They are not much better than youth.

Last year, a nationwide census showed that only 26 percent of adult pedestrians in the cities use reflective material, while in the village the corresponding figure is 45 percent.

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