Real heroes in reflective fabric clothing

Napsal (») 3. 7. 2015 v kategorii reflective fabric clothing, přečteno: 655×

Beginning the game with Karlovy Vary slightly stretched and it is because the pre-match program drove the ice police cars, rescue workers, soldiers and firefighters, from which gradually performed real heroes wearing clothing made of reflective fabric.

Protagonists of this and other stories of heroism thus gathered on the ice of more than ten thousand people have earned great applause.

An exhibition of Sparta on a special occasion Czech Radio reporter watched Stephen Poorly.

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Other cast than usual should match for Sparta player. "Before the game we told the guys that arena will be full and it was great. 10,000 spectators dresses in safety jacket with reflective tapes and have to kind of symbolic struggle, we certainly had in mind, "said one of the nine shooters Sparta, a moment of twenty Adam Guy.

The club gave firefighters, paramedics, police officers and soldier’s leaves for the penultimate duel with Hradec Karloff and Karlovy Vary with the last tickets worth two million crowns.

Especially in a duel with the Energies was something to see. Sparta put in a good effort reflective Versa 9 goals into the net. Her performance had to recognize the players, fans and coaches Energies.

"I would like to congratulate the opponents. It was a successful celebration and we acted as extras. We pulled up on the short end and Sparta was clearly superior in all activities, "says assistant coach Carlsbad Jerome.

Reflective jerseys from the duel with Karlovy Vary will go to auction, from which the money will head the Foundation policemen and firemen and Military Solidarity Fund.

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