Pedestrians better wear reflective element

Napsal (») 23. 7. 2015 v kategorii reflective element, přečteno: 627×

Proposed amendment to the road, which is currently in interdepartmental management, plans to introduce a requirement for pedestrians moving along the unlit side of the road or on the side of the road to be wearing reflective elements. Among the new products is the duty of the driver cleaned the vehicle before driving.

New would involve snow and ice on the front and side windows for the view of the driver, but also remove snow and ice from roofs or cargo, where it can be released. Moreover, the proposal also restricts the use of Seaways on sidewalks.

With reflective elements is a walker to the driver up to 200 meters, on the contrary, if the wear black or blue color, it is only 18 meters. Reflective elements do not work too fog, rain or snow.

Pedestrians are on the road waiting for the riskiest time of year. In November and December of them over the last 14 years died a total of 830, which is double compared to other months. The blame for this is particularly impaired persons visibility on roads. This was stated by Director of Traffic Police Tomah Larch. The police and department are sip within safety events distributes 18,000 reflective tapes.

Pedestrians are leading by Be sip Martina Vicar only group of people killed in road accidents die more at night than during the day. Eight out of ten victims die off transitions. In winter, most pedestrians die in the morning between 6and 7 pm, when not yet fully light, and in the afternoon after 16 pm when it gets dark.

Most deducted on 1st class roads, although these roads have a number of cases decreasing. On the contrary, the lower class roads amounts killed grows. At least there are fatal incidents on motorways.

This year, from January to September 68 died on the roads for pedestrians, according to an estimate is sip but this number by the end of the year will rise to around 116 people. On the last three months and accounting for more than two-fifths of deaths. Pedestrians are for drivers of passenger cars and their co-drivers the third largest group in the number of fatalities. They are followed up for bikers and cyclists, who are strongly advised to wear safety vest with reflective stripes.

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