Robert Pattinson gives reflective clothing to Reese Witherspoon

Napsal (») 4. 12. 2014 v kategorii reflective clothing, přečteno: 948×

The British actor was concerned to learn that a car had run over his co-star in the film 'Water for Elephants', so I made him a very special gift to the actress to prevent it from suffering a similar mishap – reflective clothing.

The package contained a reflective safety vest, wristbands, tennis shoes and a cap - all designed by Stella McCartney, and sent him to the house of the actress with a quick recovery.

"Reese was very moved by Rob detail," a source told the National Enquirer.

"She intends to keep exercising, so the team will come in handy for after dark".

Reese did not suffer serious injuries after being hit last month by a woman of 84 years in Santa Monica, so decided not to take the case to court.

"The incident is being treated as an accident. The driver will not be made a breathalyzer test, and only receive a fine and will be removed license points for committing a traffic offense."

Reese - who recently married Representative Jim Toth - has been resting at home since the accident.

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