Reflective clothing is important for pedestrians

Napsal (») 22. 5. 2015 v kategorii reflective clothing, přečteno: 572×

A pedestrian without reflective clothing died broke, the driver flees.

It is a tragic accident that occurred yesterday, Sunday, August 17 in the morning. A car hit two pedestrians. One of them died. The driver fled.

It was night and the two men were not wearing reflective jacket.

It is 5:30 when the tragedy occurred. Two men, thirties, walk the edge of the D910 to Nugent-le-Payee, direction Chartres. They return from a bygone disco evening.

Suddenly, a car with two passengers on board, struck them. One of the pedestrians died a few minutes later. The second was seriously injured, was taken to hospital in Chartres. So reflective clothing with reflective tape is very important for pedestrians.

The driver, he flees. He did go to the police the next afternoon.

A judicial investigation was opened to understand the causes of the accident.

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