Reflective bands save lives

Napsal (») 10. 8. 2015 v kategorii reflective band, přečteno: 576×

The action "Reflective bands save lives" is one of the steps, which is intended to improve safety on the roads of Lubuskie. - Its message is very important. Especially now, when the autumn weather visibility worsens - says Slalomed Konieczny, a spokesman for the Regional Police Headquarters in Gorzow.

Pedestrian is moving after dark along unlit road without any reflective elements is visible to the driver only from 20 meters, and if no glare, then with 150 meters. Pedestrians, especially children, have no chance in a collision with a runaway car - he added.

Therefore, the province governor George Ostrich last weekend to convince the children about having to wear reflective elements. - I would like reflective material on clothing or backpack became a regular feature of Lubuskie landscape. If you thanks to preventive action and adequate information on glare manage to save the life of even a small number of young it will be proof of the effectiveness of similar actions - selects the province governor.

As a part of there is more than 200 reflective bands and reflective vests went to elementary school students in Konawa.

Currently, children under fifteen years of age are required to wear reflectors. - Pedestrian safety is a priority, especially children. A safe pedestrian is the one that is visible to the driver - emphasizes needed, and adds that it is important to remember in charge of caution and awareness to pedestrians.

In the past year on Polish roads pedestrians without wearing reflective clothing were killed in 1157 (approx. 30 per cent. Of all fatalities) and 9694 were injured.

Such statistics have changed the rules. From August 18, 2014 year, all moving pedestrians after dark, the road without pavement, they will have to wear reflective bands.

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