Reflective bands distributed to increase visibility

Napsal (») 24. 8. 2015 v kategorii reflective band, přečteno: 664×

Officers in Sokolov tipped throughout the week, wearing reflective safety vest and stopping pedestrians. Because the people committing offenses, but because pedestrians were lackluster outfit. She knows many a driver. Not many in his life happened to especially in the twilight missed the man who had entered the roadway. The event was very aptly named officers and decisively: Be seen - survive!

"In Sokolov, we distributed a total of 325 reflective tapes. In the morning, we handed out to people at bus stops, on the way to work, to the doctor, employee’s bakeries, newsstands, at gates, on the bus. In the early evening, people came to buy into the shopping centers, parks for those who are walking or walking her dogs, children in playgrounds, "explained preventistka city police Hanna Procházková.

Also it is not forgotten cyclists and mothers with strollers and people in wheelchairs. Everyone could get a tape adapted to the bucket strollers or health aids. It was the first regional event of its kind in the region after the establishment of municipal police cooperation in crime prevention. They join the municipal police Carlsbad, Chocó Island.

In Sokolov distributed policemen "All of reflective bands that can help to raise the visibility of pedestrians in traffic, I welcome. Kid’s stuff or school equipment manufacturers are already doing with reflective elements. Especially among older people and their lackluster outfit but it is worse, "said one of the drivers Peter Bock.

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