Reflective accessories is necessary to avoid accident

Napsal (») 1. 9. 2015 v kategorii reflective accessories, přečteno: 652×

On the way from the bus stop to the railway station Aumühler a 17-year-old was severely slightly injured a 14-year-old. Accident driver had to blow: 2.42 per thousand.

It is still dark when the bus line 8820 holds in Aumühler Emil Woodpecker Avenue opposite the Bahnhofstrasse.So reflective accessories is very important. In it sit 20 to 30 students. You want to continue by train to school to winter or Hamburg. When they want to walk across the street to the train, the accident happened: A 52-year-old motorist overlooks the adolescents and recorded a 14-year-olds and a 17-year-old with his Mercedes Vito. The young people are thrown to the curb.

The police let the driver to blow later: 2.42 per thousand. The 52-year-old had "but still is relatively safe and expresses themselves naturally" may, they say.

"The driver has come roaring up totally fast," says the twelve year-old Emily. She herself was with her sister Maya (10) went a few meters behind the 14-year "It all happened very quickly." As the motorist is exited thereafter, he had even forgotten to put on the handbrake. A mother had braced against the rolling away car.

Even into the Bahnhofstrasse to customers waiting taxi driver witnessed the accident. "The whole thing is practically in front of me happened," he says. He had then called the police in reflective uniform immediately.

The ambulances bring the girl with serious injuries to the leg and the boy with bruises of the basin a little later to the hospital. "As sad as it sounds, but it was clear that there someday something happened," said the taxi driver. "The drivers are always there very quick and the minors want as quickly as possible to the waiting car." Of these reported Emily? "We always afraid to miss the train," say the twelve year olds. A fear that district spokesman Kirsten Steffen can not quite understand. "Actually, between arrival of the bus and exit the train six minutes time," says Steffen. In addition, the railways would operate in ten-minute intervals.

Aumühles Headmaster Stefan plate is completely shattered when he learns of the accident. "As headmaster of course this is a terrible idea if children something happens on the way to school - even if the young people no longer walk with us here to primary school," says panel. He asks to look at the traffic-situation at the station once more accurate. Municipality, police and school should check together what measures could improve safety. For even when the school children wait a few hours after the accident in the early afternoon on the opposite side of the street to the bus that will bring them safely home, a car rushing by after another.

"Just at bus stops, especially if there waiting children or a bus stop, motorists in reflective vest should be especially careful and go ahead," warns Hanne lore Herald of the German Traffic. This also means retaining buses to overtake at a walking pace.

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