Child with reflective accessories learn to ride a bike

Napsal (») 12. 5. 2015 v kategorii reflective accessories, přečteno: 805×

The mastery of balance, pedaling and braking are the three phases of learning for a child who wear the reflective cap runs independently on his bike
Find balance and keep the child's Challenge 4 and over who discovers the bike. For him, the key is that this gradual learning is like a play. The ideal is a balance bike, a small bike without pedals on which the child sits very low. Within 2 years, some children used to the balance bikes have already gained an outstanding balance. Only complaint: the rapid wear shoes!
"A bike without pedals that grows by building on his feet gives him a sense of balance. He gradually learns to assess distance and speed while learning to spin, "says a dealer in cycles. He adds that every Easter, parents come to dismantle the pedals of the bike for their child because the organizers of the apprenticeship asked them, and also they will have the reflective tape installed on the bike. "The third day, the pedals and they are on their back then gone ... for good."
"Small wheels" to avoid
Extra wheels, placed on either side of the rear wheel, greatly retard learning of balance in the beginner child. Without them, one or two sessions often suffice if learning is done at the right time.
"Some parents have little time. So for a week and as part of a balanced course covering also skateboarding and other activities, it introduces children 5-7 years, said Stephanie Dubois physical education teacher. Usually they get there all at the end of the week. "
Always check that the child sets his feet on the pedals correctly, use the brakes to stop and keep the head straight, looking away.
This may be the way to school or relatively quiet streets of your town or village outside of course hours of heavy traffic. And they need to wear the reflective vest or other clothing with reflective accessories.
Put on the headphones always; see and be seen remains very important, colorful and reflective clothing are ideal complements the security measures.
Make it roll to your right, between you and the side of the road, while ensuring that the distance between you and him, and the other potential cyclists, is sufficient. little by little, you leave him open the road ahead.

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