After announcing in January that 26 measures would be quickly implemented to improve mortality figures on French roads, the ax fell. By the end of the month, you will walk around with a motorcycle yellow safety vest, accessible in case of concern.
Amidst announcements concerning radar red light, double-sided radar, limiting some sections at 80 km / h and the very vague ban on hands-free kits (not Bluetooth), it is not the most publicized the measures announced this morning by Bernard Cazeneuve but ride a motorcycle or scooter will not exempt fluorescent yellow reflective vest, a measure that comes up in one form or another, since 11 May 2011.
As is the case today for motorists; the vest in question "must be worn in case of emergency stop" and the order in question should, according to the Minister, be published by the end of April. The measure does not seem preposterous. Assume that each motorized two-wheeler has enough room to store a fluorescent safety jacket neatly folded under the seat. For scooters, it won; for some bikes, it will be (rightly) very sporty. FYI, the vest is already mandatory since June 2013 but his absence could not be verbalized for motorcyclists and scooter riders.
If the judgment is imposed by mechanical failure, it will be quite simple to access said gilet for donning and be more visible on the side of the road waiting for the tow truck. But in case the event of an emergency stop mandated by a collision, the motorcyclist (or scooter driver) who managed to extricate himself from the place of impact should he return to his motorcycle to open the saddle and mount his waistcoat under penalty of being fined? If so, it looks like a double punishment. Even a full triple since the police usually add "non-control of the vehicle" in these situations.